Begini sobat, di bawah ini script untuk membuat galery info, itu lho untuk ngasih info ke semua pengunjung blog kita. Tolong di cek ya kalau ada yang ngawur.
Tapi sebelumnya tolong di klk dulu demo-nya ya.
1. Script di bawah ini untuk ditempatkan di atas ]]></b:skin>
2. Save
3. Script di bawah ini ditempel di sidebar
<div class="gallerycontent" subject="What is Sluke ?">
Sluke is a sub-district area, 22 kns eastern Rembang,the regencial capital and 222 kms eastern Semarang, the provincial capital.
<div class="gallerycontent" subject="What is the landmark ?">
The Powerplant is. Along with the others it supplies electricity across "Jambali", Jawa-Madura-Bali islands.
="" class="gallerycontent" subject="Where is it located ?">
4. Jadi deh.
Precisely it lies in both Leran and Trahan villages, but the main building is located in Leran.
<div class="gallerycontent" subject="What are the the people ?">
Mostly farmers. Some others are fishermen, fishmonger, tile and brick crafters, and many more in small number.
<!--HTML for gallery control options below. Remove checkboxes or entire outer DIV if desired -->
<div id="controldiv" style="display:none" class="gallerycontroller">
<form name="gallerycontrol">
<select class="gallerycontroller" size="3" name="menu" onchange="manualcontrol(this.options.selectedIndex)">
Auto: <input type="radio" checked name="mode" value="auto" onclick="preparemode('auto')" /> Manual: <input type="radio" name="mode" value="manual" onclick="preparemode('manual')" />
4. Jadi deh.
Catatan : Tulisan warna merah, diganti sesuai kebutuhan.
Good night ! Uaahhh........h
2 komentar:
Mantap, terimakasih infonya Bosss, salam kenal juga dari kami di Malang...
bila berkenan, mohon masukan juga untuk blog saya : , terimakasih banyak sebelumnya Pak...
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